Captain Dhod called and there was obvious joy in his voice, "Doctor cakap saya boleh kerja. Saya boleh lagi pandu bas! Memang boleh! Boleh dapat surat dari doctor sahkan saya sihat. (The doctor says I can work. I can still drive the bus! Sure can! I can get a doctor's letter certifying my health.)"
A sensible man by nature, he is always considerate of others and this time is no different either.
While he was hospitalised at Sungai Buloh Hospital, Captain Dhod hesitated to inform his wife in the kampung in Kedah. Though he missed her, he did not want her to be unduly alarmed. His wife needed to be at home to care for his mother who stays with his family. He was also concerned about her travelling alone to an unfamiliar city. Aeroline offered to send a car to fetch for her, but he kept quiet and respecting his wishes, we did not insist.
Being the only child and breadwinner of his family, Captain Dhod takes care of his mother, his wife and son, all in quiet and obliging responsibility. The proud father has recently seen his son through college. It was a delight for him to see his child in his graduation robe, the joy of fulfilling one of his duties as a father.
With a pending appointment for the angiogram, Capt Dhod returned to his kampung for a recuperation period. Even then, he took to withdrawing a partial amount of his savings to settle his loan in full for a car he recently bought. His still has his savings and a substantial amount in the EPF, ensuring that he conscientiously settles his affairs without burdening anyone.
Now that he has done his angioplasty and given a clean bill of health, the decision is simple for Captain Dhod. He returns to Aeroline as a full-fledged Coach Captain Trainer without second thought.
His reason of return is straightforward and easy, "Macam ada perhubungan (connection) dengan syarikat ini. (I feel like there is a connection with the company)", he said thoughtfully.
The connection is equally felt by all of us at Aeroline.
Selamat kembali Captain Dhod !
